January 29, 2013

Care Packages, Boxes to your door!!!!

Since Priority Mail service supplies are the packaging of choice for families preparing care packages for service members overseas, the Postal Service created a “Mili-kit” based on the items most frequently requested by military families.
This came right off the United States Post Office Site
Wow what a super service! I love anything that will save me time! I found this while on the United States Post Office site. All you have to do is call the phone number 800-610-8734 and order a Kit. They send this Kit right to your door. The Kit that they give is a little different, it has a few more boxes in it, which is wonderful.  They give you a 6digit number so when you call back it goes faster. (more saved time!!!!!!!)

January 28, 2013

What I'm Reading Now !

Right now I'm reading "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson.  This is one of those books that is a life changer! The book is about being successful at anything you want to do in life.7 principals you can apply to any aspect of your life to be successful. The book teaches you about doing small things constantly to move towards the positive. "These are things that are easy to do and easy not to do;" quote from The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

This is a positive, fast enjoyable read. This is a wonderful read this time of year when everyone is making their resolutions, life goals, or whatever you call those life changing thoughts you make and hope they will last the rest of the year. I would recommend this to everyone! I think this should be mandatory reading in High School.

I-Phone Update

My hubby brought me an I-Phone home and he wanted me to like this phone.  He loves his. I was less than thrilled and kept the I-Phone in its box hoping it would turn into an Android, hey at that point a girl can hope LOL. At that time this was like a glorified I-Pod. To make my husband happy I unboxed it and carried it in my purse. Thats about where I left off, that blog.

Okay fast forward a few months... and the phone has grown on me. I can't say I'm an I-phone groupie but I like it. Honestly never did i think that this phone was the one electronic device I couldn't live without. Ok Ok Ok there I said it. But I'm a victim of circumstance!  My Hubby went on a business trip.  So far it's been our only form of communication. Just the fact I can communicate with hubby makes this phone priceless. I miss hubby.  You thought I was going to write ... I love my I-Phone. Nahhhh.  The I-Phone is growing on me, my husband I'll alway miss when he is on one of those business trips of his!

January 13, 2013


Walgreens photo is my new favorite service! I love anything that is going to save me time and is easy!  I am just in love with this. Walgreens photo is an easy way to order photos from home.  You can either go to the store and pick them up that day or you can pay a Little bit more to have them delivered to you not that day but in a few days.

If you are like me you have a ton of pictures on SD cards you are meaning to develop.  I'm so bad, I had them from October and it is now January!!! Over the weekend I sat with a nice hot cup of coffee and went over all my pictures and chose the ones I was going to develop.  It was lovely.  I picked them out and then I could pick them up in about 45 minutes. The pictures looked great.

I might be the last person on Earth who finally heard about this great service.


January 12, 2013

Envelope Art

Today we decided to make decorative envelopes.
First we went supplies!!!!!

 Gathered our supplies
We used rubber stamps ( a big hit), markers,white envelopes and stamp pads. 

We spent a rainy morning making envelopes that we can use to send to Daddy.
This is a great project!  We made writing paper also !

Toaster Oven

Last year when Eazy Bake oven only had pink and white ovens.  Our son wanted to "cook in his own oven." Our answer was to get a cheap toaster oven. MJ only uses it when there is an adult with him. 

MJ loves to make easy snacks and things in his oven. Tonight we decided to make Pigs in a Blanket/

 CPT. Snack

 What we used
 For each lil hotdog use only half of the triangle

 MJ waiting
CPT Snack made yummy snacks!!!!!!
Anything you can make in a regular oven you can scale down and make in a toaster oven.

January 8, 2013


This has been a LONG day for my boys.

Today is the first day of yet another adventure in Military Life for our Family. 

**** No matter how near or far, you are always in my heart****

Holiday Highlights

Holiday Highlights

We started off the Holiday Season with MJ going to the Eye Dr. 

The infamous Buckeyes!!!!!
Going to see Santa.

Decorating for the Holidays!!!!


                                                        Don't you just love a snowman!!!!