February 8, 2013

Snow Days

As a child I remember at the sight of any significant snow accumulation, we would start praying for a snow day. We would sleepily listen to the clock radio for the announcer to call out our district. The second my brothers and I heard the district name we would scream and jump around. On snow days my Mom always made a huge breakfast.
We would put on layers and layer of clothes, adding to it boots, hats, mittens, and scarves. We went out into the gleaming snow and played for hours.  We made snow forts, threw snowballs, built snowmen and went sledding. By the time we came in we were exhausted, wet, freezing and ready for coco.  Ahhhhh to be a child again. :)
Speed up a few years... as an adult a snow day are announced by text, email and a phone call.  I get to break the news to MJ. He screams and jumps around.  I cook the big breakfast. I help MJ into the layers of clothes, a coat, hat, mittens, boots and scarf.  We sled, make snow forts, build snow men and have snowball fights. ( Is it still snowball fight or did it go politically correct and it is now snow circle conflict?) LOL  Except it feels like no sooner do I get him outside he wants to come in. Off goes the layers. My little one is cold and wet and I'm the one making coco.
I guess not much has changed threw the years. Its nice to know you can always count on a snow day for some good old fashion family time.



Waiting, waiting,waiting, just waiting!  I'm waiting for the storm they call Nemo to start. Don't ask me how much snow we are supposed to get. It depends on what TV station or Radio station you listen to. It could be a foot or two. It was supposed to start at midnight.  Yeahhhhh it has not started yet.  Is it coming, I have no doubt, it is just a matter of time!

February 7, 2013

Where In The World Is David Price??

David Price unexpectedly announced his departure on January 24 From Fox5's Good Day New York. There has been conflicting reports about why he left.

I've been a loyal viewer of David Price for a long time. When he was the weather man on  Fox in the early days, he charmed me with the mention of the weather forecast each day for my town. I happen to live in the same town as his parents in upstate NY. While the show airs from NYC.  David lovingly referred to his parents house as "The Price Family Compound." After Fox he worked at CBS. I changed my morning news routine as to watch him. He went back to fox as a co host. Along side Rosanna Scotto. David made a great host with Rosanna.

Friday David announced he was leaving. I am so sad to see him leave. Now I'll have to channel surf once again to find David Price, my mornings will not be the same.

February 6, 2013

Staying Close To My Soldier

Sending love and touches of home to my Soldier.  (Thank you Brother for carrying the box)

Went to the Post Office to mail my care package to My Favorite Soldier!!!!
Joe the Post Office guy!!! Thank you Joe for all your help mailing my box! 17 pounds of love for my Soldier! No Joe no liquid, perishable, or illegal things are in the box, just love!!!!
Bye Box! Have a safe trip!
Yes My Favorite Soldier is ok with the pink tape.  He can tell my care package right away. LOL


I was watching Fox 5 this morning. I have to say it is my favorite morning news program.  Today I was shocked to hear the Post Office is discontinuing Saturday letter mail.  The guy who took David Price's place then states,"nobody writes letters anymore." Ummm Wrong! I write letters still.  When my husband is gone one his business trip I write letters.  Nothing compares to a letter written in the person's own writing. Not email, a text, nothing! The excitement you get from seeing a personal letter when you open the mail box is kind of like Christmas.

It is sad to see the Post Office close on Saturday, but I'd rather them close than lay off their workers or stop delivering packages or some other insane thought.