April 8, 2013

Homework Help

I had to do a homework project with my son tonight. Ohhh how I missed my husband. This was map work. Ok I first I panicked! Next thing I did was actually look at it, Oh boy was this advanced. We had to figure out the directions in his room. I decided to post my homework/deployment tip! So if your ever faced with having to find direction and your compasses are packed away and your to lazy like me or it left on a business trip. LOL here you go!!

Homework / Deployment Tip
Find where the sun rises put your right shoulder to that place, that is East. Now your left shoulder is West. The direction your facing is North. Your back is to the South.

April 6, 2013

This is Epic!


Today it seems everyone is using the word epic. I think epic is the most over used word to the point it is annoying. Everything can not be epic or in reality nothing is truly epic or Iconic.

How Do You List?

Lists! List! Do you make list? How do you keep your list? Are you a traditional paper and pen kinda person? Or are you a gadget guru? Me, I'm a paper and pen type of person
 I make all kinds of lists! For example; I make to do lists, to call lists, to mail lists, the honey do list, oh and my favorite list the grocery list. yes have learned write it the second you think of it because life goes by and you go blank I guess you can say I like to make list. I'm a sucker for those pretty list pads with different themes. I also  use any paper I can find. I've used parts of notebook paper, backs of envelopes, junk email, anything I can find.I've written it down in marker, crayon, if it writes I'll use it!

For me the worst part of list making is actually being at the grocery store and I put my hand in my purse and low and behold that darn list is still on the fridge or on the kitchen table next to that Brita glass I meant to take with me. MMMM frustration!!!!! Thankfully this only happens once in a blue moon.

I know you guys are say UGH gurl use your darn iPhone for this. Sigh, yes I should but come on I just learn to keep a schedule on it. I'm working on it.

This is one of the reasons I like long hand lists. MJ makes them. Those lists melt my heart1

April 5, 2013

The Wet Brush

The Wet Brush is my favorite brush. It is meant to be used on wet hair like a wide tooth comb to detangle your hair. This does such an awesome job. It is as if your hair was silk. I have long hair and this does not pull or break my hair which I like a lot.

It doesn't look different than any other brush, but it is. It is so gentle on your hair. The price I paid was about $8.99 it was worth every penny. I was skeptical that it was going to be as good as a wide tooth comb or as gentle but it was so much better!

April 4, 2013

Games Adults Play

My cousin and her husband play it. My parents played it. Even my husband and I play it. It is the fun game of "Where will we retire!?" Mind you we are not that old!!!  Each Business Trip or change of duty station we play the game of "where do you want to retire !?" My husband adores this game.
So far we have picked Upstate NY, then we picked the Columbus Ohio Area, then Hilliard Ohio,and then Dublin Ohio. We haven't finished playing "where will we retire." I'm sure we will add more things to this ever growing list.
Do you play "Where will we retire? Or do you play another game?

April 3, 2013

Sometimes Chicken Soup IS The Best Medicine

When my Mom was a little girl and got  sick my Nonna made  Nonna's chicken soup. When I was a little girl and I was sick I always knew what was in the steaming big grey pot on the stove. It was home made chicken soup. Now when MJ gets sick I make him Nonna's home made chicken soup.

The last few weeks MJ and I have both been sick. I was first diagnosed with strep and then a sinus  infection and MJ had his tooth pulled and had and upper repository right after. So I made a BIG pot of homemade chicken soup.

Nonna's Chicken Soup

1 Large Package of Chicken Thighs
1green bell pepper
1 yellow onion
1/4 clove of garlic minced
1 turnip
3 or 4 carrots
1 parsnip
3 or 4 ribs of celery
1 potato ( I Omit this with no problem)
1 package of whole grain noodles type of choice ( if you want  chicken noodle soup)

herbs you need
1 bay leaf
teaspoon of Italian seasoning
teaspoon of garlic powder
teaspoon of onion powder
2 bullion cubes
salt to taste
pepper to taste

1-In a HUGE pot put the chicken thighs in and fill it 3/4 of the way with cold water. Bring the water with the chicken to a boil.

2-When the water boils turn it down to a simmer. Simmer it until the chicken falls off the bone. This takes hours.

3-cut up all of your veggies. Cut up your pepper, onion, garlic turnips, carrots. celery, parsnip, potato

4-When the meat falls from the bone add in your veggies and the herbs and simmer until the veggies are soft.

5-/Add in about half the package of noodles and simmer. Anymore and you will make a casserole.

buon appetito

April 2, 2013

Four Days Out

MJ and I haven't talked to my husband since he left on his business trip. We normally Text or email or video. Saturday he surprised us and called home. MJ and I have both been sick Our poor baby had a baby molar removed prior to getting sick. I felt really bad because all MJ would say was "tired" to his Dad, as he laid on the couch with the phone. Our poor little guy was wiped out between the cold and the medicine.
Every Since Saturday MJ  has gushed to everyone he comes in contact with " I talked to my Dad." He loves his Dad and even though he didn't do much of the talking he is so happy he got to hear him.


Hey, hey, hey did you know MJ talk to his Dad? LOL I finally got to tell someone first. Hmmm or did I? LOL

My Keurig

 I had wanted a Keurig for such a long time. I am probably the last person to get a Keurig. Since I wanted one they have now come out with a digital one! My husband kept trying to buy me one for every birthday or holiday. I just couldn't justify spending that kind of money on something that just makes coffee. MMM yes an excellent cup of coffee but  still to me it was expensive. I got a Keurig this year as an after Christmas gift from my hubby! ( Those are always the best! Unexpected and Cheap!!) It was on an amazing sale!  I absolutely adore it. A push of a button and vola a nice hot cup of coffee.

I love coffee.!My biggest fear with coffee on demand was that I was going to start drinking a ton of coffee. No the opposite happened. I drink far less coffee.