July 22, 2012

It Happened One Summer....

It started a few summers ago while my husband was serving unaccompanied tour in Korea. LOL wouldn't that be the start of a very juicy tell all Army wife book!  But those are the facts it did happen a few summers ago and it was while my hubby was serving unaccompanied in Korea when it happen. 

The happening was I decided to take up the sport of Tennis.  My theory on playing this sport was I was going to burn calories while having fun.  Well it looked easy on TV and I had forgotten how hard all those hours of tennis lessons as a child it actually was.

So like any good tennis player my first stop was Dicks Sporting Goods for a racket, balls and the all important shirts and famous skorts. Isn't that what all good tennis players do shop first play later?  Looking the part I'm sure helps you improve your game at least ten percent LOL.  I even bought a book to improve the game I hadn't even played yet.  I got my hubby to start playing in Korea.

 I finally recruited my nieces to play with me and we hit the court. Oh was I BAD!  I think I might have returned only a few serves, but I was enjoying it and laughing.  I did reach the goal of burning calories while having fun.  I'm still playing tennis, my game has improved some. I will not  be making the US Tennis team in my lifetime but I will be playing at my less than amature status and having a blast while burning calories and looking good in my tshirt by Under Armour.

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