October 30, 2012

Family Fun in the pumpkin patch

Pumpkin picking is another Fall event I love!  I love it so much that yes even though we do it usually at the same farm as apple picking I usually do it on a day all by it self. Ok truth told, I need to do these events on different days for all the energy involved.  Most people go to the store look in a cardboard bin pick a pumpkin from the top and are done. Not us! No certainly not. I need to have a fresh pumpkin from the farm. You know the whole experience, complete with coming home with donuts and cider or it just leaves me flat like Christmas in Florida.

MJ has a great time picking pumpkins and finding "the right pumpkin." It reminds me of the "Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" which thanks to the magic of Itunes we watched that night!

MeadowBrooke is in Wappingers and is the cutest place not to big not to small just right as Mama Bear would say. 

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