July 30, 2012

While My Hubby was gone I Slept With Spiderman

While their Soldier hubbies are gone some women sleep alone, some women sleep with dogs, others sleep with a Jody.  Me, I'm more of the sleep alone in the center of the bed type of girl.  Until Sunday morning when the unthinkable happened!  Spider man had come into my room for a morning visit. As I lazily woke from dreamland because one of the dogs had to be let outside, I spotted him.  Spider man was big, I mean really big, big enough that I could tell he was fuzzy.  I screamed in horror at the sight of this creature. There was one problem with this situation at hand, hubby isn't home and isn't going to be home for a long while.  My husband is the big strong bug hunter in our house. I am scared of bugs!

I ran out of the room.  I figured I would regroup and make some coffee. With the coffee I could make a battle plan!  I used the time to call in a friend. When Janine came I showed her Spider man. We both went screaming out of the room.  That is one huge spider!  My husband does spider killing without all this fanfare.  I guess that is why I'm his princess and he is my knight in shining armour. 

Janine and I decided to get hubbies' extra combat boot and nail the spider. Spider man was bigger than a 50 cent piece. I threw the boot at him.  Spider man raised up his to front arms as if he was going to try and fright this big boot off.  Spider man was a little bit of a feisty one!  After a few attempts of boot throwing Spider man became bored with us and ran off with what was left with his legs.  I'm afraid he has taken up residency under my heater. I'm kind of creeped out by the thought of Spider man recovering and training and  doing P90x  or Insanity. Waiting for his next chance to come visit me to show me.
I live in the woods.  I like to keep the woods and the creatures where they belong outside, not in my bed.I only like one animal in there and he :) happens to be my hubby.

Honestly if this is the only time Murphy's Law will hit I'm ok with it.  I would like this time away from each other go smoothly, with no huge problems! As things have gone in the past car accidents, broken water pipes, moves and much, much, more, this is minor.


July 28, 2012

He Had Me At Hello!!!!

It was love at first sight. Except my love was being worn by another. I never forgot it  even though it belonged to another.Years later I caught a glimpse of my love again this time I was determined not to let it get away. From a picture I was able to track down the ring! I was so excited!!!! It is called Hidden Message, and the maker is yoonjunyun.  Link below.

The ring itself is a simple silver or gold band.  It is what is inside that makes it stand out from all the rest.  The inner part of the ring has hidden raised letters that leaves a message imprinted on the skin of your finger. The messages you can get are always, marry me, and a hear. The craftsmanship on the ring is commonly outstanding.I love my ring. I think the concept of it is fresh, new, and edgy. 

The making of the ring was inspired by a Korean song about a suntan mark a man found on his finger after he broke up with his girlfriend and took his ring off.  I can relate to this I only take my wedding ring off to shower and I have tan lines that at this point I think might be permanent.

I have to mention the box the ring comes in.  The box is truly a work of art. The ring comes tightly fitted in the center of a plexi box.  The attention to detail is shown threw every aspect of this product down to the box.


This is an independent review. I was in noway paid or gifted for my review.

July 25, 2012

Someone Asked For My Numbers !!!!

"Last 4.""No not your last four, his last four. ""Last 4!" This is something that is the same across all branches of the Military, know his  last four. It is like the key to the city.  It is something a new spouse learns quickly.  When I was first married just hearing those dreaded words last four made me start to sweat and shake with fear that I would not be able to recall those darn numbers.  Now years later I know his numbers probably better than I know any other numbers in my life.

Was anyone ever going to ask me for my numbers? Maybe just once? LOL I have thought about this over the years. FINALLY! Today was the day! It happened, it really finally happened! Someone asked for MY  numbers, my last four!  After all this time you would think I would be at the ready like a super hero. No that wasn't the case. I stood there with the phone looking like a deer in headlights, taking deep breaths, panicking because for the life of me in that instant I could not come up with MY last four.  After a second thought I had it. I guess I am a creature of habit.  Or maybe it just that my hubby is always on my mind  :).

July 22, 2012

It Happened One Summer....

It started a few summers ago while my husband was serving unaccompanied tour in Korea. LOL wouldn't that be the start of a very juicy tell all Army wife book!  But those are the facts it did happen a few summers ago and it was while my hubby was serving unaccompanied in Korea when it happen. 

The happening was I decided to take up the sport of Tennis.  My theory on playing this sport was I was going to burn calories while having fun.  Well it looked easy on TV and I had forgotten how hard all those hours of tennis lessons as a child it actually was.

So like any good tennis player my first stop was Dicks Sporting Goods for a racket, balls and the all important shirts and famous skorts. Isn't that what all good tennis players do shop first play later?  Looking the part I'm sure helps you improve your game at least ten percent LOL.  I even bought a book to improve the game I hadn't even played yet.  I got my hubby to start playing in Korea.

 I finally recruited my nieces to play with me and we hit the court. Oh was I BAD!  I think I might have returned only a few serves, but I was enjoying it and laughing.  I did reach the goal of burning calories while having fun.  I'm still playing tennis, my game has improved some. I will not  be making the US Tennis team in my lifetime but I will be playing at my less than amature status and having a blast while burning calories and looking good in my tshirt by Under Armour.